Saturday, October 9, 2010

Daredevil Antics

The age of 9 after realizing that no matter how hard you try, you cannot jump as high as Wonder Woman. Even by jumping 13 feet off of a deck. Thank God I remembered how to tuck and roll. No broken bones, no sprained ankles, heck, not even a chipped fingernail.
Next, flying. I think I will grab this rope and swing off the ledge in the haymow and see how far I can get. Wow, I scraped my heels across the floor but managed to propel myself clear out the haymow door. Now THAT was cool!
Perhaps I will take on running next. Racing across the yard from my house to Grandma's, I beat the dog. Huh, I am faster than I thought (never mind Gethro was about 12 years old, but still).
Obviously, at this age my favourite tv shows were Wonder Woman, The Bionic Woman and the Six Million Dollar Man. I thought if I practiced every day eventually I would become just as awesome as them.
Yeah, no such luck.\
I was lucky enough to never have broken a bone in my life. Well, not yet anyway. And since I am of an age were osteoporosis could set in, I hope to never have that claim.
I was nine when I got my first set of stitches. I was riding my bike around and around the rusted out Camaro in the driveway. No worries,I had been practicing my super powers, right?
Suddenly, my bike tips and I fall into mom's car. Crap. Wonder Woman wouldn't be that clumsy flying her invisible jet. I am going to have to work on my balance.
I looked down at my hand and thought...huh...weird...why can I see my bone through my hand?
Wait a minute...I just cut the dicken's out of my finger. (Save the Livers!- once it.)
Big Sister, who was joining me in my bike circles, started jumping up and down screaming. Pointing at my hand. I then decided that apparently, it WAS a big deal. I reciprocate in kind.
Mom comes outside "What is going on out here?!"
Big Sister "Jenny cut her hand! Really really badly!" (it really wasn't that bad, but she had a flair for the dramatic)
Mom takes one look and yells for Dad. Enter Dad. "Uh, yeah, that is going to need some stitches."
Big Sister and Baby Sister across the yard to Grandma's while Mom wraps my hand in a towel. Strange, but it wasn't even bleeding. Jamie Summers the Bionic Woman didn't bleed. Maybe I was on to something here.
Deposit child in car, Dad driving and Mom riding shotgun. On to the emergency room.
Enter doctor. "Well, what do we have here?"
Doctor, she is in bad shape. I am hoping we can save the arm. Otherwise, we may have to explore other avenues and check into NASA for a robotic arm.
Mom, "She fell into my car and cut her hand."   Man, that sounded so less cool when you put it that way.
"Well, she is going to need a couple of stitches, I think."
COOL!! Battle scars. The kids at school are going to gawk at my scars!
Hey, what are you doing with that needle?! I don't like those! Get away from me you quack!
Ah, numbness ensues and the stitching starts. Dad waited outside in the waiting room while Mom came in to help me thru this horrible trauma. Thank God.
When it was all said and done, I got three stitches. Three small stitches. This sucked. Not even anything worth bragging over.
*Sigh* Well, I can make up something much more intriguing than "fell into mom's rusted out Camaro." Maybe something with a wolf fight, or saving a child from being swept away in a flash flood and I had to grab a barbed wire fence to save him. Yeah...much cooler.
When it came down to it, the three stitches really didn't hurt. Mom said I was very brave and only cried two tears. Score one for me.
The best thing about my near death experience? Getting a hot fudge sundae at the Center Chef.
I wonder if the Bionic Woman ever got anything like this after saving an entire family from a toppling building?

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