Friday, November 16, 2012

Dream Car?

Believe it or not it isn't a Barbie Camper. That ship sailed years ago. Literally....
The 70's was the era of the "muscle car"~ Chevelle, Dodge Dart, Charger, Nova, Camaro, too many to name and some I don't even know about I am sure. In grade school I remember the guys talking about how they loved "this" car and "that" car and that "this" car was way cooler than "that" car. Black or red seemed to be the universal choices in colours. The girls, well, we really didn't give two hoots because we were more interested in roller skating and gum.
My son had asked me the other day, while watching "Top Gear" on BBC America, "Mom, what is your favourite car?"
Immediately I was whisked back to my childhood conversations (or thinly veiled arguments) about muscle cars and which one was the best. Was it the '72 Chevelle? The '73 Nova? The '73 Corvette?
I asked him to clarify, "Do you mean which car that I owned was my favourite?"
"No, Ma," he said a little frustrated with me and my lack of an immediate answer, "I mean which car is your favourite of all time?"
The choices are just too numerous and to choose just one seems...sort of....I don't know...limiting.
I currently drive a Chevy Avalanche (yes a truck, everyone feel free to laugh at the idea of me in a pick-up) and I have driven SUV's, owned a mini-van or two, a Pontiac "POS" 3000 and yes, a Ford Mustang (everyone should have at least ONE sports car in their life).
"Seriously, isn't a hard question."
Not a hard question?! Are you SERIOUS!?!? Of course, it is a hard question and not one I have ever really thought about or ever expected to hear or answer for that matter.
After close and careful consideration and an expectant glare from the 8-year-old, I blurted out "An invisible jet like Wonder Woman's."
"Good choice, Mom. You had me worried for a second...because it was a trick question."
*Whew* Dodged a bullet there, I guess...

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