Monday, January 21, 2013

Snow Day and the Undeniable truth

Ah! Snow days! We LIVED for snow days when I was a kid. If there was even a HINT of snow we were glued to the evening news to see what the weatherman was saying for our area. Please please PLEASE let it be at least a foot of snow. Enough that they would have the schools cancel because the buses couldn't get thru the ridges and valleys. Now, I know it is impossible to wake up a 9 year old during the week but if there was a possibility of a snow day? Then we were up when Mom and Dad got up at 6 just so we could hear the weather report... "Here are the list of schools cancelled and or delayed...Ithaca- cancelled, Kickapoo- cancelled, North Crawford- Cancelled...(come on Richland Center!!)...Richland Center...CANCELLED." YES!!!!! Immediately, we would run and get dressed and get ready to go out to brave the storm and untouched snow with our sleds. Never mind it was 10 below and the wind chill was -25. It was a DAY OFF FROM SCHOOL!! We could not waste a single moment! There were drifts to be dug into to make forts out of, hills to slide down, ramps to be made! Come on people we have work to do! As we got older we would pray for snow days just so we could watch soap operas and game shows and sit around and eat junk all day. It was very important to find out if Victor and Nikki were going to get back together or if Beth and Phillip were going to the prom together. I mean, this was as important as our own lives! Only far more glamourous. Then when we got into high school it was a day for talking on the phone to your friends for hours and the inevitable chores that Mom would leave for us. (Admit it, you waited until about 2 hours before Mom came home to actually start them. That way the Pine-Sol would still be smelling on the freshly mopped floor when she came in.) When college came, there was no such thing as snow days. College very rarely closed for anything and the professors left it up to your own judgement if it was safe to come to class or not. Generally, if you were paying for college like I was, you tried to go because was a waste of money to claim a snow day when you were 20 years old. Besides, you had that quiz today that the professor would not allow a make-up on if you missed. Then you graduate college and get a real job. There are NO snow days at work. None. They don't close down because of a little snow. WHAT!!?!??! I want to be a kid again....

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