Friday, October 12, 2012

Adventures in Barbie World

My cousin, Tanya, had the coolest Barbie stuff ever. (My older sister and I did, too, until our boy cousins got ahold of it...but I digress...) She had the Barbie RV. That sucker was almost 3 feet long and was loaded up with all things a Barbie could need for an action filled camping excursion~ a bathroom complete with hot tub and toilet, a stove for making gourmet meals while "roughing it", fold down beds and a television. 'Cause, who wants to miss out on all their important programs while camping.
But the real reason we liked it was that it fit two young girls perfectly on the back for riding down the street in front of her house. We discovered this wonderful vehicle could fly along about 15+ miles an hour down the hill,  past Mr. Brewer's house, thru the stop sign, past the high school soccer field and wipe out in front of the high school steps in front of the gym with little or no damage to the RV. Too bad we couldn't say that for ourselves.
I remember the first time we took the rv for its virgin cruise. We made it to the end of the block Barbie gear and accesories, and I believe even a Barbie or two, flying out the vehicle like parade candy. We wiped out near Mr. Brewer's house with only a few bumps and bruises and I think a small case of road rash. time, lose the Barbie gear before going for another lift off. It obviously threw off our trajectory.
Second try, empty cargo bay and new countdown, Tanya's shoelace gets tangled in wheel. Abort lift off.
Third attempt. Barefoot so no pesky shoelace issues. Result...scraped top of left foot on each after wipe out. Failed mission. Try again in two days to allow for recuperation of damaged brakes.
Over a time span of about 3 weeks we finally figured out just HOW to maneuver said RV so we would crash in the grass of the soccer field. Which was no easy feat mind you, since you had to jump a curb to do it. But as any 9 and 6 year-old could tell you, it took perseverence and determination but we finally managed to make the jump to light speed and into the grass of said soccer field.
You would think with that kind of feat one of us would become an engineer or at least, a Jedi Master. Ironically enough, Tanya is a nurse. Obviously, she decided to fix cuts, scrapes and bruises after years of getting them along with me. I am very proud of her.
I, however, aspired to be a teacher. I opted for something else. I won't explain why...let's just say I opted for Wonder Woman.

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