Sunday, October 3, 2010

"Can We Go Somewhere?"

Sunday. The glorious day of rest. Nope.
Started out much like Saturday and just got worse from there. So, we went for a drive.
Ah the wonderful sounds of "I'm bored..." and "Are we there yet?" and the infamous "I'm hungry."
With all the luxuries in cars today the only thing they are missing is a three ring circus.
When I was a kid, we had to entertain ourselves on long trips. Usually this was done by making faces at my older sister or saying everyday words in a silly way to make her laugh. My ulterior motive was to get my parents to yell at her for being annoying. Yeah, that backfired.
"Jenny! Stop making your sister laugh!"
Ooooo-kay. Try a different tactic. Let's pull out the Colonel Sanders spork and flick the Colonel in the face with your fingertip. Yep, that did it. She burst out laughing.
Suddenly, mom's arm comes flying over the backrest and snatches the spork from my hand. She managed to break the spork in two pieces. She got the spork end, while I managed to retain the broken handle with the Colonel's grinning face on it. Luck was obviously on my side that day.
Now, when your father says "Don't make me turn this car around!" or my favourite, "Don't make me pull over!" really should listen, because, he did stop the car. Leaping out of the car he throws open my door and yanks the grinning Colonel out of my hand and throws it into the cornfield.
You would think I would learn to shut up after that,
"That's littering..."
I am lucky I still have a head....

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